What Should I expect on the first visit?

On your initial visit your therapist will review your history and intake information as well as complete a subjective evaluation.  During this time you will talk with your therapist about how your symptoms started, what you are experiencing, how it impacts your daily function and what your goals are for therapy.  Following the subjective evaluation, your therapist will perform an objective evaluation or physical evaluation to determine where your problem is and what structures are involved.  After the physical evaluation your therapist will set a plan of care which will be the path to reaching your goals.


What should I wear to therapy?

During your treatment session you will need to wear or bring comfortable loose clothing.  This may include comfortable shorts, yoga or sweat pants, comfortable walking shoes or sneakers, and a shirt. Women may want to bring a sports bra so your therapist can easily view your trunk if necessary.


What should I do if I am having my menstrual cycle?

We are able to perform an evaluation and treatment if you are having your menstrual cycle in most cases.  Please contact your therapist prior to changing your appointment if you are concerned about being treated during this time.  

How can I schedule a appointment?

You can schedule and appointment by calling 248-318-9722 and asking to schedule an appointment. You can also email us at dannansiano@vivapt.com or click the contact button in the right had corner of this page. We will respond within 24 hours to schedule your appointment.

Do you take my insurance?

Viva Physical Therapy, LLC is a cash-based physical therapy practice or a private pay practice. What that means is, we determine together, how long you need to be seen and that is what you are charged for. No hidden costs, just simply the time you are here. You pay for your service at the time you are seen.

We can provide you with the documentation that you would need to submit to your insurance company in order to get reimbursement, but we do not have a relationship with any insurance company. If you would like to submit your claims to your insurance company, we suggest that you call them and explain that you are receiving physical therapy from an out of network provider, you would like to submit the claims yourself and they will let you know where to send the claims.

what happens if I have medicare/medicaid?

If you have Medicare or Medicaid, we are unable to see you at our clinic. Medicare and Medicaid requires that claims be submitted to them if their patient’s are seen. We do not have a relationship with either and therefore, cannot submit claims to them. Medicare does not allow us to accept cash payments from Medicare patient’s. We will help you find a provider that can help you. If you would like to read more about this Medicare law we can direct you.

Can I schedule an appointment without a referral from a doctor?

Yes! Utah is a direct access state, which means you can see a physical therapist without seeing a doctor first. We will communicate with your doctor regarding your care, because we believe that good communication is a key to great medical care.


You have the right to a “Good Faith Estimate” explaining how much your medical care will cost. Under this new law, health care providers are required to provide patient’s who do not have insurance, or who are not using their insurance, an estimate of the cost of their medical care.

You have the right to receive a Good Faith Estimate 1 day before medical service. You may request a Good Faith Estimate prior to scheduling your appointment.

If your medical bill exceeds your Good Faith Estimate by more than $400 you have the right to dispute your bill.

It is recommended that you keep a copy of your Good Faith Estimate.

If you have more questions regarding the Good Faith Estimate please visit www.cms.gov/nosurprises or call 248-318-9722.